Enough is Enough….

I lay my cards on the table. Being GC does not make a bigot, it does not make me a rightwing idiot, & it does not mean I hate Trans people.

Feminism isn’t homogeneous. For example, to me ,gender woo woo is a very, middle class, neo liberal concept that is churning up mischief & distracting left wing thinking & politics . Transgederism does not have anything to do with LGB, its not about sexuality

The Growing

Shocking things happen

But nothing changes imediately.

Darkness creeps in

whilst we look for change.

Not seeing shadows encroach

the light we took for granted.

The centre went to the right in ignorence

declaring the average reprehensible.

The average became broken, lost

forsaken & forgotten.

Weeds now grow stronger

whilst the crops & flowers fade.

So it grows in haste

the crop of the politics of hate.


CK 2016


In Out, Shake it all about…

Seriously…If anyone out there has a non hysterical reasan for being either IN or OUT of the European Union…please let me know? I am so confused, I can see reasons for being in & being out. However, the leaders of bothe sides of the referendumdom are foul & lothsome to me. So please advise……at the moment I feel I can only spoil my ballot paper….

RIP Bob Crow, People Get Organised

Have to say, I was really sad by the news of Bob Crows death. Now whether or not you agreed with the fella, he was a guy who stood up for his union members & would fight for  them, for their rights & a decent standard of living.

Far too often it seems to me that far too many `Union Leaders’ in this day & age, are more interested in their own position, & power politics for their own advantage, than that of their Union members.

I say this to those out there, who say & believe that Unions are not good for workers, or that strong Union leaders are Dinasaurs…As the Unions have declined, so have living standards & the  lives workers & unemployed as a whole. Also,  along with the decline of Unions, the lives & standards  of the executives  has skyrocket out of proportion.

I would say that Society itself is diminished by weakening of Unions. The gap between the Rich & Poor in becoming wider, & in becoming collectively acceptable allows for the foundations of great societies to crumble. Thus, ensuring poverty, chaos, violence & prejudices to flourish.

So as others would say, whist you may mourn the passing of a great Union man… Dont just mourn..get organised.

RIP Bob Crow 52 years is too young.