>The Great British Whitewash
What a Bloody whitewash
Phone hacking (illegal)..isnt a problem, the `incestuous’ relationship between Politicians,Police hierarchy & media isnt a problem?
This is part of a collective problem in the UK
Politicians & Police are supposed to be PUBLIC SERVANTS..this means they serve the public, It’s an important point to understand. So i’ll repeat it
That’s us oiks by the way, y’know, those of us that work hard (when we can get employment) & pay our full taxes, & not use loop holes (heck could we ever earn enough) to hide money off shore.
As for the press, Murdoch wants to own a paper, no problem, wants to own a tv station..again no problem.
Murdoch wants to own a majority of news print in uk, wants to have majority in tv, satalite or internet ISP platform in the uk. Well that is not only a big bias problem, its also a monopoly.
Yet throughout all this, we see in all the media apologist for for news corp & neoliberalism capitalism policies which allow for this corporate corruption to keep churning on & on
Yes that even includes The Guardian
A Joke on the British public