>rage against the Status Quo…e aint talking rock bands!!!

>So anyone reading the British press will have seen the “Right Wing Wank Fest”. Seems certain NewsPaper Owners cant abide a 3rd man!! Though I have no pity for them…in one sense they are right! I cant abide a third man…simply for the reason there are no Women. Oh yes yes all these boys desire our “Womens Vote”
Just seems they require our vote, they dont require our opinion, unless it is expressed 2nd hand by a acceptible manchild of their choosing. Ladies & gentlemen, at the moment im enclined to vote Liberal, Due to the fact that the Tories & New Labour offer nothing but poverty & war to the oiks of Britain. They will continue the policies of Them & Us, wherby, you have no say & occassionaly we will throw you a scrap from our over indulgent political/corparate table.

The Mother of Parliments has been Raped!…How about we save our mother?

>Wake up time for the British Hairless Apes…

>Well finally a date has been set for the UK General Elections..May 6th 2010. So far on this the first day of campaigning all I have seen is politicians evade questions & continually quote soundbites. Let us hope things improve. I shall be blogging more on this subject over the next month & looking into what the Politicians/Parties are offering. Thats if they can stop being evasive,twittering, youtubing, soundbiting, & manage to string more than two sentences together in a coherent manner…..
….watch this space.