I fogot to mention, quite some time back I got my original paganfreak.org name back, so none of the paganfreak.net links will work in older posts.(Though I doubt anyone noticed).
I havn’t really done anything with the said paganfreak.org website in ages, except program updates to keep it secure. I have also. brought another domain name with which I intend to create a different site. What it will be for I havn’t quite decided. Meanwhile the paganfreak.org will remain, & who knows I may possibly find my muse & start creating content for it again.
In the real world, life in Britain over the past decade has been getting, weirder , harder & down right nastier due to the political nature of it’s Government. Having said that, you will still find most Brits, like populations in all other countries of the world are decent, compasionate human beings, regardless of having a nasty rightwing libertarian bunch of shits in high office.