
>Well the week is ending better than it started…Spent 3 days in bed , sick as dog with a foul stomach bug & finally went back to work today. Totally forgot about the goings on in the USA!!! Yes, yes I know, how can one forget about the USA presidential elections…but hey I was sick I tell ya..didnt watch tv, listen to the radio or read a paper from Monday to Wednesday. So todays Guardian carried a wonderful headline. Thank feck that horrid little man GW is leaving the White House. I do feel sorry for Obama though, that poor fella has got a whole pile o shite to try & sort out. But hey..its great news he is in :).

On the sad side of USA politics…was gutted to see prop 8 was voted for, in the state of California. What a hateful peice of legislation…Marraige is only for heterosexuals…pfft bollox!….I only hope that sometime later down the road..(not too much later)..Gay people in the USA get the same rights as “hetero” couples do for their partners, with something like a civil partnership as we do in the Uk.

Author: pagan386

European Female, born in a country called England. She has lived,worked, loved, protested & messed about in the suburbs & city of London for most of her adult life.