>The Uk is a strange land. We have no written `constitution’ .
However, we brits do expect a certain ammount of decency… or at least I thought we did. Seem’s our lovely government is carrying on the self indulgent crap of the Thatcher era, Capitalism = consolidation to the few, Power = consolidation to the few (see previous)..Nationalism bad….but we can bail out the private secter ??? Everyone pays tax…oh except the rich….!
So where has all the money gone?…Into the offshore bank accounts of the few. You know, those wankers that said we were all backward, & stupid for wanting our utilities to stay belonging to us. Noooooooooo we must privatise everything..private is good!!!..(baaaahhhh)….So anyhoo,, we sold off all our industries, land, or comon rights…& !!!..oooh feck!!! Oh the joy of finding my taxes & National insurence are now propping up private companies, rather than Hospitals, social housing, social benefits, schools..& oh joy on top of all that….CCTV is so invasive in may as well be up my arse!!!……How did it come to this :((