>So anyhoo been a long time since last blog…

>Been ages since I last blogged, kept meaning to but some how never got round to it. Shame on me! So the coalition Government is making a complete arse of Governing in the UK, & Labour sadly couldnt organise a piss up in a Brewery. I never realised that Centurist politics be it left or right Centurists (the 3rd way), was shorthand for “Ways in which lie,cheat your way into fucking up an entire country & fleece its populas, excluding the wealthiest”.

I’d also like to say,how nice to see all the Religious Freaks crawling out of the woodwork worldwide, seeing who can shout the loudest in regards to important things happening on this Earth such as,’who’s sleeping with whome’ `who’s up for stoning` & `its all those securalists, queer, women,{insert whateve} fault’. Lovely!

As you can tell sarcasm is dripping today, & before you say, “its not big & its not clever”
Neither, more importantly is the complete & utter divisionist crap being spouted by the Political & Religious Elites.

I would also lambast the media, however at this moment in time I dont have the energy. (lack of sleep). Will be blogging on some of the issues that have or havnt been in the news of this week, later on.

Author: pagan386

European Female, born in a country called England. She has lived,worked, loved, protested & messed about in the suburbs & city of London for most of her adult life.